since 自從
since 是「自從」的意思,表示「某個情況從過去的某時間開始,就一直持續著」。
1️⃣ since 後面接「過去某個時間點」
當介系詞使用時,since 後面會接過去某個特定的時間點。例如:昨天、上週、某年、某月⋯⋯等。
(😉小提醒:記得哦~ since 前面的主要子句要用「現在完成式」,來表示從過去到現在,某情況就一直持續的狀態!)
She has lived in Japan since last year.
Kevin has been a teacher since 2015.
從 2015年開始,Kevin 就在當老師
It has only rained twice since the end of June.
2️⃣ since 後面接「完整的句子」
當連接詞使用時,since 後面會連接「一個完整的句子」,句子用過去式表示「從過去⋯⋯開始,就⋯⋯」。而 since 前面的主要子句一樣是用「現在完成式」來搭配~👌🏻
We have lived in this house since I was three years old.
Jack has joined the baseball team since he was a freshman.
Jack 從他一年級開始就加入棒球隊
I haven’t seen her since we graduated from high school.
Vincent has been busy with his studies since he went to college.
Vincent 自從上大學之後,就一直忙於學業
since 前面的主要子句也可以搭配「過去完成式」,表達「在過去某時間以前,某情況早就已經持續,但只持續到過去的某個時候,現在可能沒有繼續了」。
He had written many songs since he was twelve years old.
Naomi had stayed in different cities since she moved here.
Naomi 從搬來時,就已經待過很多不同的城市
I had only spoken to him once since we met.
since 既然、因為
since 也可以代表「既然、因為」的意思,作為連接詞,後面連接一個完整的句子,用來解釋某件事的原因。但這個用法跟 because 稍有不同,since 強調的是「顯而易見、既定的事實、大家已知的情況」。通常這個用法在語氣上也會比較主觀、武斷一些。
Since you can’t answer my questions, I will ask someone else.
Since we still have some time, we can walk around and take some pictures.
We couldn’t see the sunrise very clearly since it was a misty morning.
James is the best candidate for this job since he has abundant experience in this field.
James 是這份工作的最佳人選,因為他在這個領域具有相當豐富的經驗
since 從此、此後
since 還可以指「從此以後」的意思。
這個用法是把 since 當副詞使用,通常將 since 放在句尾,或放在完成式之間,修飾動作。
She left last night and I haven’t seen her since.
His son died two years ago and he has rarely spoken to people since.
I have since forgotten why we had that argument.
Jenny got her master’s degree and has since worked as a lawyer.
Jenny 拿到碩士學位,從此之後就開始當律師
ever since 從那之後
ever since 一樣也可以指「此後」,用更強調的語氣來表示「從那之後,某情況就一直持續著」。
句子中,ever since 可以用來接「一個完整的句子」、「過去特定的時間點」,或直接放在「句尾」。
Ever since I was a student, I have wanted to write scripts.
Jim has worked for this company ever since he graduated from college.
Jim 從畢業之後就一直在這間公司服務
She has been cool towards me ever since our argument.
We came to Australia in 1998 and have lived here ever since.
我們 1998年來到澳洲,從那之後就一直住在這裡
long since 早就
另外還有個用法是 long since,表示「早就、很久以前就⋯」,常放在動詞之前,修飾動作。
I have long since forgiven him for what he did.
Helen had long since given up her dream.
Helen 很久以前就放棄她的夢想了
Jeff had long since gone home before the long weekend started.
在連假開始之前,Jeff 早就回家了
since when 從什麼時候開始
since when 指的是「從什麼時候開始」,口語中常用於問句,用來表示驚訝、憤怒,或是質問的口氣。(小聲說:這句完全就是吵架或嗆人的起手式啦!一開口就戰力十足的那種!😂)
Since when do you really care about me?
Since when have you become so radical?
Since when are you interested in this topic?